Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Curtain call.

A friend of mine from a previous life called me out of the blue and started talking about how he'd missed me etc. I thought to myself,'what's going on here?' As it turned out, his best friend had died and it had turned his world upside down in every sense. His friend was young, successful and quite wealthy, I gather, yet was found dead away from friends and family. No warning... It just happened. It seemed this tragic event had forced my friend to re examine his life and reasons for living. I don't mean that he was contemplating suicide, but rather was doing some serious soul searching. He'd probably gotten as far as logic would take him and came to the conclusion that all that really matters in life is that you spend it with people you care about, doing what you'd most like to do, when you would like to do it rather than living in anticipation of the life you'd like to have.
You don't go to the movies to sleep and then wake up at the end to watch the credits, so why do so with your life?
I guess the beauty of life (and perhaps on the flip side, the horror too) is that it is like the theatre. You cannot rewind a scene or an act, just because it did not go according to script, and sometimes you are forced to improvise. You can step on and off stage as and when you like. You may choose to follow the rules strictly, or you may use your own style in which case you either become a star or a failure or worse, never get noticed.. You can be an actor, or a part of the audience and if you like you can even walk out! The funny thing is that regardless of your choice, the show must go on! Might as well be a part of it and enjoy it, because like it or not, every show has a curtain call.

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