Wednesday, September 14, 2011


A rainbow happens when the 'white light' of the sun hits the little drops of water in the air and then get dispersed into the component frequencies/colours. The each drop of water acts as a prism and bends the light at just the right angle that causes each component colour of white light to be slowed down to a different extent due to their different wavelengths.
It is actually incredible when you think about the fact that out of what we perceive as white light, comes forth the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet... And isn't it just interesting that these also represent the colours of our 7 chakras? So we are literally beings of light with the heavier colours at the base and lighter ones towards the top... The lower chakras have a lower frequency and this increases till we reach our crown chakra.
When we think about colours, we don't usually think of them as what they are at the vibrating at a specific frequency!! We just see the colours around us and take these for granted. Actually, we don't think about it. We see colours; we know no different.
So, back to the rainbow...
When we hit an obstacle in life, perhaps we could simply alter our perception and see these as a prism that simply brings our colours out. I will come back to this later. Bye for now...

Friday, September 2, 2011

In this world, but not of it...

A great teacher once spoke these profound words to his followers, urging them to not be of this world although they were in it. I have heard these words read aloud many a time, but it never had true meaning with me till more recently.
I heard a great woman speak recently. Her name, Maureen Moss. I'd never heard about her until quite recently, as I embarked with more fervour on my journey onward and upward in the spirit. And listening to her articulate these words, which we all know deep inside, but have just lost the connection to, was so enlightening!
To be able to observe what is happening in your world - be it politics; job situations/unemployment; disintegrating relationships- and yet not get dragged into it. To be an observer in your own life. To be able to act from a place of higher consciousness, not governed by ego or your usual usual conditioned responses.
To understand that everyone is where they are meant to be.
To understand that the journey to liberation of each soul is a very personal one - you cannot do it for anyone else, but yourself.
And with that in mind, to be able to rise above the ego driven judgments of others and just be. NOt to say that you should condone bad behaviour, but that you should not get drawn into the drama of it all.To get here, is about getting past your ego...And boy, will your ego put up a fight as it seeks to maintain dominion over all that is you...

If you can truly live by those words as spoken by Jesus Christ many years ago, 'to be in this world, but not of this world' then you have have found your bliss. Because when you reach this point, you realize that you don't have to force anything or make anything happen, because it is...because it is well... because you are in the fullness of all you can be and you therefore simply manifest that which is in your highest interest by just BE-ING.