Saturday, June 21, 2008


When people we think we know become people we hardly recognize, we often talk about how they've 'morphed' into something else. The confusion over what happened to them and at which point sets in, or we blame someone in their lives, or circumstances, or wealth or poverty... The point of my brief entry is to talk about the metamorphosis.
A caterpillar 'morphs' into a butterfly. These two creatures whose physiology, anatomy, means of survival, movement are as chalk and cheese... yet one changes into the other; in this case from 'ugly' to 'beautiful'! If one did not know that these two were so closely related, or in the case of one caterpillar changing into a butterfly, one and the same... actually in the embryological development of a human, at some stage one could not tell just by just looking what the organism is, yet this too becomes a fully formed human (in most cases)... All I'm getting at, is the fact that when we express horror, or pleasant surprise at someone changing into someone we don't recognize we need to realize the fact that there is always a blue print for any potential transformation! Is it that some people are more likely to undergo that kind of drastic metamorphosis than others? Yes, I believe that is the case, however the blue print for that kind of caterpillar- butterfly metamorphosis lies dormant in all of us! We all have it in us to be angels or demons! The fact that we don't is probably the same thing that prevent our fingers from staying fused or being webbed; or kidneys remaining as one etc. Yet, every now and then, some process goes wrong, some enzyme malfunctions and the uterus does not form properly, the 'hole' in the septum of the heart remains patent, the facial bones do not fuse... things do not work out as they are supposed to; forcing us to change if we cannot handle the pressure... even a diamond, as beautiful as it is a metamorphosis of something that was under great pressure for so long that it could no longer resist the change which ultimately occurred.
It is not too far from who we are, when we undergo these unbelievable transformations; It's all about heads or tails, really. to be continued

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